S/Y Canace
Irtiotto arjesta. Avoimin mielin kohti uusia vesiä. Aikaa runsaan vuoden verran saada uusia kokemuksia ja koota ajatuksia.

Islas Cies

6. - 7.9
Because we have many friends abroad it would be pitty if they have to study finish first to be able to understand what we are telling about our sailing. Still the idea is not to translate everything concerning our earlier writings only shortly report concerning that part would be done.
So we started our sailing already more than one year ago with the intention to sail Canace to warmer waters for the beginning and during year 2010 start our one year sabhat. First we thought it would be just a piece of cake to take Canace to south Portugal during six weeks sailing during summer 2009. The reality was different and we had to fight a lot to be able to reach first the English Channel. Still there we were optimistic and wished the often strong SW wind would turn to more favourable direction. Finally even reaching Falmouth seemed to be a good joke and we entered to Guernsey instead. For winter 2009 - 2010 we left Canace in St.Brieuc (Port de Legue) in good hands and the vessel on the hard.
Spring and beginning of summer 2010 was period of intensive prepairing for one year sailing starting from St. Brieuc. 16.07.2010 we loosened the ropes and headed Canace to Lezardrieux by the french coast. Our heart is still in St. Brieuc the people of which were " real " and not spoiled with the stress of big cities. Our heart is also in Binic. We look forward being able to visit there again in the future.
After France we stayed one week in Guernsey and had pleasure to meet there local and very kind people as well. Master plan is to sail southwards and the day for departure was in hands. The foggy morning did not promise good but fortunately the sky cleared and we got a good start . The idea was to sail direct to La Coruna in Spain. After some 30 hours sailing we were north of Ushant some 30 miles and got a thick fog over us. 14 hours we stayed on our place without wind and did not dare to go forward with engine either because we were lacking some navigational instruments occassionally. The coast was nere as well the shipping routes. After the fog we were happy sailing again and made a good progress over the Bay of Biscay. 5 days 11 hours it took us to arrive in La Coruna.
One week in La Coruna and we were ready to exit. Favourable downwind sailing from La Coruna to Camarinas, Portosin, Porto Nova, Islas Cies and Vigo. From Vigo we took a plane home for 2 weeks to do some arrangements. Back in Vigo again and for sure again to Islas Cies.
Now we are in Bayona and start tomorrow our voyage to Portugal. In the future we hope to express us in english more exactly about our voyage.

Päätämme palata Islas Ciekselle vaikka sakon uhalla. Lähtiessämme Vigosta meille selviää, että saarille tarvitaan annkkuroimislupa. Sen anominen kestäisi viikon. Päätämme koettaa onneamme.
Kolmessa viikossa veneet ovat kadonneet saaren rannalta, lintujakin on vähemmän. Lähestyvän syksyn merkit näkyvät jo täälläkin. Saamme ankkurissa ollessamme niskaamme syksyä enteilevän sateen ja voimakkaan tuulen.
Sateen jälkeen paistaa aina aurinko. Soudamme jollalla rantaan upeassa säässä.

Patikoimme saaren korkeimmalle kohdalle ja toteamme, että huikeat maisemat eivät ole muuttuneet. Tuntuu hyvältä palata tuttuun paikkaan. Kierrämme koko saaren ja saamme myös haluttua videokuvaa. Harmi vain, ettei eukalyptusmetsän tuoksuja saa tallennettua kameraan.

Lähtö saarelta sujuu helposti. Purjehdimme avotuulessa nopeasti Baionan lahdelle. Pienen jännityksen saa aikaan helikopterin kaartelu ympärillämme. Hetken jo ajattelemme, että sakkolappu odottaa laiturilla seurauksena Islas Ciekselle ankkuroinnista. Todellinen syy kaartelulle lienee kuitenkin Baionan edustalla olevat vaaralliset karikot, joiden lähellä olemme.
Baionan lahti on erinomainen pysähdyspaikka. Täälläkin veneen voi jättää redille. Niin teemmekin.

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